Acupuncture is Safe and Effective and a Primary Treatment for Pain and Injury
Our office provides the highest caliber of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment in conjunction with western treatment modalities, including myofascial release, manual therapy, cupping, kinesio taping and other therapies that improve our outcomes. Our practice is focused on providing the optimal level of care options that include an integrated and wholistic approach to patient care emphasizing the treatment support for all our patients. Our patients enjoy the most current, effective, and safe care possible.
As the only nationally board certified orthopedic acupuncturist in state we specialize in treating orthopedic and sports injuries–actively supporting professional athletes, weekend warriors and patients in need of essential recovery and rehabilitation.
We combine acupuncture, cupping, manual therapy, massage, kinesio taping, and herbal therapy to provide a comprehensive effective way to address our patients needs. Our aim is to help you achieve your treatment goals faster, and more effectively.
Conditions Treated
Sprains & strains
Spine pain and injury
Lower back pain
Neck pain
Herniated discs
Sports Injury
Jaw pain (TMJ)
Muscle spasm & dysfunction
Shoulder pain
Rotator cuff injury
Knee pain
Repetitive strain injury
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
Chronic pain
Pre and post-operative care
Delayed recovery after surgery
Auto accidents
Workers compensation
Personal industry
Sports injury
Tennis Elbow